Monday, April 4, 2016

Book Review: Hidden Empire

Hidden Empire, by Orson Scott Card

Contemporary Fiction, Political/Military Thriller
3 out of 5 stars

You see that cover up there? Yeah, the one with Card's name emblazoned on it? Deceptive advertising at its worst!

The sequel to the quirky but good Empire, Hidden Empire is also quirky, but not very good. While Card's trademark characterization and pacing are intact, there is a definite lack of action to keep the story interesting. This hasn't always been a problem for me with Card's other books (Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide are not action-heavy), but it sure is with this one.

There were a few sci-fi elements but they did very little for me. I did appreciate the political, social, and religious commentary found throughout the book, however. I also like how the topic of political power is explored through the characters and story, but the President in Hidden Empire is no Hegemon. Where this book shines, however, is as a study of disease and quarantine theory. Outside of that, there's a lot of stuff that feels forced and the ending leaves a lot to be desired.

I should probably give this book 2 out of 5 stars, but I like Card too much for that. If you're bored and you want to know what happens after Empire, give Hidden Empire a read. It is short, after all.

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